The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct is a do-whatever-you-need-to-survive first-person action game based on AMC's Emmy Award-winning TV series. The game follows the survivor Daryl Dixon and his overbearing brother Merle on a haunting, unforgiving journey across the Georgia countryside where players will need to tread carefully on this desperate quest, scrounging for food, water, and ammunition to survive against nightmares both living and undead.
The Walking Dead Survival Instinct Black Box 2013
The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct is a do-whatever-you-need-to-survive first-person action game based on AMC's Emmy Award-winning TV series. The game follows the survivor Daryl Dixon and his overbearing brother Merle on a haunting, unforgiving journey across the Georgia countryside where players will need to tread carefully on this desperate quest, scrounging for food, water, and ammunition to survive against nightmares both living and undead.
The Walking Dead Survival Instinct Black Box 2013